Si svolgerà la prossima settimana a
Padova, dal 18-20 maggio 2016 il consueto Convegno
Scientifico Internazionale di Neuroetica e III Congresso della Società italiana di Neuroetica – SINe. Intitolato “Il
cervello emotivo e il cervello razionale. Frontiere della Neuroetica Incontri
su Neuroscienze e Società” quest’importante evento accademico italiano è
già alla sua VIIIa edizione. Di seguito, alcune informazioni importanti.
Location: Università di
Padova, Scuola di Psicologia, Aula Cesare Musatti, via Venezia, 8.
Comitato organizzatore: Andrea Lavazza,
Centro Universitario Internazionale, Arezzo; Giuseppe Sartori, University of
Padua; Michele Di Francesco, IUSS, Pavia (SINe president) Francesca Gnoato,
University of Padua Marco Viola, IUSS, Pavia Sarah Songhorian, Vita-Salute San
Raffaele University, Milan. Di seguito il programma.
Mercoledì 18 Maggio / Wednesday May 18
10:00 Registrazione dei partecipanti /
10:30 Apertura del Convegno e Saluti
delle Autorità / Opening Remarks
10:50 – 11:50 Sessione mattutina / Morning Session Intentions and the
Moral Point of View Bernard Baertschi, Université de Genève
Chair: Patrizia Bisiacchi, University of Padua
11:50 – 12:10 Coffee Break
12:10 – 13:30 Sessioni parallele /
Parallel session Contributed papers Sessione in Aula Musatti / Session in
Musatti Room
Chair: Matteo Cerri, University of Bologna
1) Frederic Gilbert (University of Tasmania, ARC Centre of Excellence
for Electromaterials Science), Are Predictive Brain Implants a Menace to
Autonomous Decisions? Results from a first-in-human study
2) Merylin Monaro (University of Padua), A technique to detect fake
identities with high accuracy and its effect on cognitive privacy
Sessione in aula Riunioni DPSS / Session in DPSS Meeting Room
Chair: Patrizia Bisiacchi, University of Padua
1) Michela Balconi, and Maria Elide Vanutelli (Catholic University of
Milan), Cognition and emotions in the brain during cooperate and competitive
joined actions
2) Robyn Repko Waller (King’s College, London), Emotion versus Reason: A
worry for the dual process theory of moral judgment from cognitive-affective
13:30 – 14:45 Lunch Break
14:45 – 15:00 Sessione Poster / Poster Session
15:00 – 16:00 Sessione pomeridiana / Afternoon Session Can We be
Epigenetically Proactive?
Kathinka Evers, University of Uppsala
Chair: Massimo Reichlin, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan
16:00 – 16:20 Coffee Break
16:20 – 17:40 Sessioni parallele /
Parallel session Contributed papers
Sessione in Aula Musatti / Session in
Musatti Room
Chair: Massimo Reichlin, Vita-Salute San
Raffaele University, Milan
1) Marcello Ienca (Institute for Biomedical Ethics, University of
Basel), and Fabrice Jotterand (Department of Healthcare Ethics, Regis
University), Artificial Intelligence for the Ageing Brain. Is the AI
Revolution about to change Elderly Care?
2) Concetta Sinopoli, Giuseppina
Talarico, and Giuseppe Bruno (University “La Sapienza”, Rome), Sottoporsi a
test genetico per malattia di Alzheimer
familiare: reazioni emotive e
motivazioni razionali
Sessione in aula Riunioni DPSS / Session in DPSS Meeting Room
Chair: Marco Viola, IUSS, Pavia
1) Gabriele Ferretti (University of Urbino - Universiteit Antwerpen),
Mixing Visuo-Motor and Visuo-Affective Representations in a Robotic Brain: A
Case Study concerning Embodied Vision in Neurorobotics
2) Marco Fasoli (University of Milan-Bicocca), Why do we feel so uncomfortable
while speaking of the moral status of cognitive artifacts?
Giovedì 19 Maggio / Thursday May 19
9:30 – 11:00 Sessione mattutina / Morning Session From Mirror Neurons to
the Mirror Brain Lectio Magistralis: Giacomo Rizzolatti, University of Parma
premiato con la medaglia SINe / awarded with the SINe Medal Laudatio di/by Stefano Cappa, IUSS Pavia
11:00 -11:20 Coffee Break
11:20 – 12:20 Sessione mattutina / Morning Session Consciousness,
Control, and Responsibility Pietro Pietrini, University of Pisa
Chair: Vittorio A. Sironi, University of
12:20 – 13:00 Sessioni parallele /
Parallel session Contributed papers Sessione in Aula Musatti / Session in
Musatti Room
Chair: Giuseppe Sartori, University of
1) Michela Balconi, Elisabetta Grippa, Valeria Milone, Irene Venturella,
and Maria Elide Vanutelli (Catholic University of Milan), Emotion regulation
and brain response in Schizophrenia: A neurofeedback intervention as assessed
by EEG and optical imaging (functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy)
Sessione in aula Riunioni DPSS / Session in DPSS Meeting Room
Chair: Sarah Songhorian, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan
1) Alfredo Tomasetta (IUSS, Pavia), If you’re a believer, you’d better
believe in physicalism
13:00 – 14:15 Lunch Break
14:15 – 14:30 Sessione Poster / Poster Session
14:30 – 16:00 Sessione pomeridiana / Afternoon Session Implications from
Neuroscience to Public Policy Lectio Magistralis: Daniel C. Dennett, Tufts
University premiato con la medaglia SINe / awarded with the SINe Medal Laudatio
di/by Mario De Caro, Roma Tre University
16:00 – 16:20 Coffee Break
16:20 – 17:40 Sessioni parallele / Parallel session Contributed papers
Sessione in Aula Musatti / Session in Musatti Room
Chair: Vittorio A. Sironi, University of Milan-Bicocca
1) Mariaflavia Cascelli (Roma Tre University), Self-awareness and
action: where does the sense of agency come from?
2) Frederike Beyer (UCL), Nura Sidarus (UCL), Sofia Bonicalzi (SAS), and
Patrick Haggard (UCL), Beyond self-serving bias: diffusion of responsibility
reduces sense of agency and outcome monitoring.
Sessione in aula Riunioni DPSS / Session in DPSS Meeting Room
Chair: Silvia Pellegrini, University of Pisa
1) Elisabetta Lalumera (University of Milan-Bicocca), Narcissism and
Neuroscience: still a top-down explanation?
2) Daniel Pallarés-Domínguez, and Maria Medina-Vicent (Universitat Jaume
I), Ethical implications of the female brain in the women's business leadership
18:30 Assemblea SINe / SINe Meeting
Venerdì 20 Maggio / Friday May 20
9:30 – 11:30 Sessione mattutina / Morning Session Neurotechnology,
Brainreading, and Freedom of Thought Pim Haselager, Donders Institute for
Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University Modern Psychiatric
Neurosurgery – Ethical Issues Sabine Mueller, Charité Universitätsmedizin
Chair: Elisabetta Sirgiovanni,
University of Rome-La Sapienza
11:30 – 12:00 Coffee Break
12:00 – 14:20 Sessioni parallele /
Parallel session Contributed papers
Sessione in Aula Musatti / Session in Musatti Room
Chair: Guglielmo Gulotta, University of
1) Giulia Piredda (IUSS, Pavia), The limits of subjective consciousness
2) Matteo Grasso (Roma Tre University), A “cognitivist” objection to
Russellian monism as solution to the hard problem of consciousness
3) Paolo Pecere (University of Cassino and Southern Lazio), The
"old" and the "new" hard problem of consciousness
Sessione in aula Riunioni DPSS / Session
in DPSS Meeting Room
Chair: Silvia Pellegrini, University of
1) Carolina Pletti, Giulia Benvegnù,
Grazia Pia Palmiotti, Lorella Lotto, Alessandra Tasso, and Michela Sarlo
(University of Padua), Post-decisional anticipated emotion in moral dilemmas
2) Joana Rigato (Champalimaud Research, Lisboa), Introspective reports
as data:
Neurophenomenology, Heterophenomenology and the DES method
3) Francisco Arenas-Dolz (Universitat de València), The Rhetorical
Nature of
Language: A Neurocognitive Approach to Emotions
14:30 Chiusura dei lavori / Closing
Remarks - Aula Musatti Segreteria Scientifica e Organizzativa /
Conference Coordinator (general):
Dott.ssa Francesca Gnoato
Segreteria per le call di paper e poster
/ Conference Coordinator (Papers and
Dott.ssa Sarah Songhorian
Tutte le informazioni relative al
Convegno, alle regole di invio di paper e poster e alle modalità di
partecipazione, compresa la scheda di iscrizione saranno disponibili sul sito:
News and information about the Conference available on the SINe website:
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